Sunday, June 7, 2009

What Ifs

I have been pondering, if I were a writer, such as Clancy or Ludlum, how much of a field day I could have in the compilation of "what ifs" for a new political novel involving research and investigtion into the backgrounds of some of the present day elected and appointed high government servants.

I will be the first to admit I didn't come into this life with a very colorful imagination. However, over the past forty years, I have been made aware of the covert use of psychics and astral projection by some of our government agencies. As years passed, when really interested or provoked, I attempted to examine and pick up on the many varied energy patterns surrounding a select few of our elected officials. Recently I have been drawn to examine the energy patterns of some of our present day elected and appointed officials. I began wondering what if it is possible those energy patterns have been examined by others the result of which was the concerted effort of the various political machines to put these people in office.

Here are some of the "What ifs" that have gone through my mind for a novel.

What if: there is a suspicion surfacing, in the minds of a number of members of an opposing political party, that the people have chosen to elect a government official, at the highest level, who may have mislead the populace regarding his/her choice of religion, many personal convictions and political ambitions.

What if: that elected high official has been trained, from childhood, in the art of deception for the sole purpose of either changing or destroying the very form of government he/she has been elected to serve and protect. One who has it in his/her power the capability to exert the influence of his/her office to assist the world-powers-to-be to bring into being a one world government and a one world religion.

What if: that elected high official begins making brief references to the fact that unlike the leaders of other countries, he/she is hampered by the Constitution from doing many things and instituting programs and having laws put on the books which he/she has determined would be best for the country and its citizens.

What if: it becomes apparent that the elected high official is aware of and could be a participant in covert governmental plots, the efforts of great corporations to control the few remaining natural resources, the plots and subplots of the special interest groups, etc.

What if: as time goes by, it appears that the political machine behind the high official's election may have goals which have not yet been revealed to even him/her.

What if: this high official is reminded that his/her "job" is to serve the people of this country and to do his/her best to preserve their way of life, their freedoms and their security.

I have more What ifs but would be interested if any of you have some you could add. I will post a few more next time and would love to include some of yours.

Monday, May 25, 2009

You Have To Buy A Ticket

The sad news is...I didn't win the lotto power ball Saturday night. The good news is...I have another chance. While it probably isn't in the cards for me to possess such a great fortune, as Yogananda told one of his disciples..."You can't win if you don't buy a ticket." Thusly, I will certainly buy another ticket.

With those words dancing around in my head, the phrase "lotto ticket for your future" crossed my mind. I fleetingly wondered what the odds of finding such an item would be and if it existed, where and how it could be obtained and what exactly the payoff would be. Would it be available through a vender on a street corner hawking the tickets? Through Visualization? Affirmations? Prayer? Hard work? No work all play? Doing good deeds? Doing nothing? Perhaps a combination of all the aforementioned practices? I wondered if I would jump at the chance to possess one and, after careful consideration, decided that since I wasn't sure what the payoff would be and that the odds of winning such a lotto were undoubtedly very high that, as a true Capricorn, I had lost interest in acquiring one.

The ability of the mind to jump from subject to subject in a nanosecond is awesome. I guess, at this point, I am wondering where the phrase originated and why it was out there for me to grab.

I have heard it said "we are caught up in doing rather than being , in action rather than awareness". Could we construe that to mean we should sit still, be quiet, open up for communication with our higher selves? To ponder and explore the "depth of knowing" available from Universal Intelligence? To redefine our desires and goals so that we more clearly understand them, for only in true understanding can we accomplish them?

My friend, Samuel, who used to give messages through me at Spiritual Horizons in Houston, once told me, when I was particularly out of sorts and sorry for myself, to "get over yourself and get on with living". Once again I am out of sorts and feeling sorry for myself and frustrated at my inability to manifest my heart's desire. There is so much to do in this messed up world of ours that I am questioning if I should consider putting my dreams on hold (I am really fretting about not fulfilling them, not being able to quit my job, not moving from Roswell, etc.) and to start working on a level and in a realm that has the possibility of bringing forth some positive results for all. To trust that Roswell is the right place for me to be and this is the right time for me to be here. Can I exert enough influence by myself to do any good? Perhaps some, but once again I feel that a cohesive group energy is needed to put forth the type of energy needed to effect change.

As Light Workers, Healers, and Spiritual Beings, it would behoove us to take a concerted look at what may be coming down the road for all of us. Preparations need to be made, thought processes cleaned up and focused, and negativity banished from our individual and group surroundings. There is nothing heading our way that we can't overcome if that is what we are determined and led to do. We just need to remain aware of the energies present in all areas of our lives. (Getting a little preachy here, am I?)

If any of you happen to find a source for a "lotto ticket for your future" let me know. For myself, I am off to buy my winning lotto powerball ticket.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

A few of Solaango's Thoughts

I have been remiss in posting to this blog. Mercury is in retrograde and Saturn has been giving me fits so I have been feeling quite put upon. But it is time to put some of Solaango's messages down while they are still fresh in my mind.

One of his areas of concern was the separation that has come between many of the light workers on the planet. Viable groups that once exerted much light energy have, over a period of time, gradually disintegrated as the members have gone their separate ways, whether by choice or by necessity. He feels the time is at hand for those light workers who have been working alone to once again join like energies and form circles that are capable of exerting influence and gaining knowledge and assistance from the various levels of existence. Universal love and wisdom is always available to truth seekers.

He addressed the messy mass-consciousness energy that is emanating from the planet at the present time and assures us that we have the means to correct the situation. Not over night, of course. And, it will entail searching the reaches of our own consciousness, recognizing our weaknesses, and working on bringing our beings back into balance, whether the work needs to be done at a physical, astral or etheric level, (or all three). As we begin to bring our selves back into balance, those around us will be affected and once again the ripple effect will abound. Hopefully our combined energies will become strong enough to counter whatever darkness may be prevailing.

On a personal level I guess that means I better commit to a daily meditation and start watching what I put in my body and what comes out of my mouth. Goodbye fast food, hello raw stuff. And I think a good liver cleanse, a mental and emotional body cleanse and probably a bit of exercise is in order. I am looking to correct years of ignoring my spiritual side, being alone in my thought processes, sharing little with anyone and now beginning to allow others back in my life...really in my life. Good grief, Charlie Brown!!!

Solaango sends his love and blessings to everyone, every time we communicate. He knows our strengths and weaknesses and assures me that our strengths far outweigh our weaknesses...we just need to recognize them and accept them and put them to use.

On an entirely different level I think we will probably be on the recession roller coaster for a while. There are moments when I feel an almost desperate need to be out planting a garden, to have family and friends close and to be fully armed. But it passes and I get back in the swing of things and then I yell for Solaango and/or Mikel to give me some assurance. I am such a sissy sometimes!

Solaango did caution me to observe at all times what and who is around me, the words that are spoken to me and my own gut reactions. Guess that is good advice for anyone.

I will share more of Solaango and Mikel, if he talks to me, next time we visit. Send me mail if you want. I will answer promptly...even if Mercury is retrograde!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Mt. Shasta Has It All

In the previous segment, I said I would speak of Mt. Shasta and my experience there. I decided to simply give you the site address so you could read it for yourself. It happened many years ago but there are parts of it that have remained crystal clear in my mind. I still have dreams of it and every once in awhile Mikel shows up to bolster my spirits and on his last visit he informed me that even though I am nowhere close to being in the physical area where my heart longs to be, the day is near that someone will appear and enable me to make the move that takes me and mine there. Hallelujah!!

This evening I want to talk about losing one's spiritual path and putting hard gained knowledge on a back burner. I allowed this to happen to me but I am unclear as to how or why. I do know the lack of spirituality in my life these past 8 years has left me parched and totally out of sorts with my world.

Although I am a Reiki Master, have worked for years in spiritual healing circles, have counseled many as an ordained minister and taught many subjects including meditation, the past 8 years have afforded little, if any, contact with anyone who would/could participate with me in any of these spiritual endeavors.

Roswell has, at my last count, over 100 churches. Lots of churchgoers and witnesses, (don't misunderstand...I was raised a Christian and still think of myself as one) a number of whom, when asked if they have meditated on a problem or situation, have indignantly informed me, as they stepped away, that they don't meditate. When asked why, the answer was always "because I am a Christian". That is the general attitude you find in Roswell.

I have tried to determine if there is a karmic reason or debt involved with my coming to Roswell but haven't been able to point my finger at anyone or anything and say "aha! that's the reason". Very frustrating. I can't recite one piece of knowledge or wisdom that has come my way nor can I relate an experience of any import. (Am I hearing a little "poor me" here? lol)

I had a brief few hours of spiritual contact when my friend, Sandy Penny, visited me on her way to Taos. That has been a while ago but I have been able to keep in touch with her and her insights have brightened my days and lifted my heart on many occasions. When I hear from her and several of my other friends from Houston, I am comforted to know that the light workers are still around and doing their job.

Thankfully my spiritual and mystical energies are beginning to resurface and are nudging me to get my head out of the sand (lots of that around here) and get on with the work. I am finding it easier to get into a frame of mind where I can dispel the negativity of those around me. Lots of drinking and fighting goes on in my neighborhood, unrest and distrust in the workplace, etc., etc., etc.

Now my goal is to find some good meditation music, some quiet time and a reunion with my guides and teachers. I think my totem animal guide (big beautiful wolf who first appeared to me in 1982) has been trying to get to me. For the past several weeks the neighbor's new little puppy gets out of their yard (which is really no surprise...they need to fix their fences and gate) and he heads straight for my house. I find I feel very protective of the little guy. I put him in my yard and he stays there until his owners come home from work. They pick him up and take him home and by morning he is back at my house. Every once in a while I see my wolf in his little eyes. Just for a moment...but he is there. Wow!!! I am blessed.

If any of you have any thoughts on anything that has been said...I would appreciate hearing them. If you would like to join me in a weekly at-distant healing circle, I would love to set one up.

Till we talk again...have some beautiful dreams, look for four leaf clovers, sing in the shower and be at peace. Everyone and everything around you will benefit. The ripple effect will be felt around the world!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Me, UFOs and the ‘60s

I first met George Van Tassel in 1961 at Giant Rock Airport near Landers, California. (To you UFO buffs, George Van Tassel is somewhat of a legend in the UFO field. His yearly UFO conventions at Giant Rock drew thousands of people during the 50s and 60s with major UFO figures speaking to the throngs attending.)

This meeting was my introduction to the world of unidentified flying objects. George graciously spent hours talking with me and my husband and ultimately invited us to move our small travel trailer onto the property to help him with the restaurant.

George was in the process of building the "Integratron" which, when completed, was for the purpose of healing. George did tell me that he felt time travel would be one of the benefits of the completed project. Unfortunately, George passed over before it was completed so we will never know its true purpose. The Integraton was purchased and it is my understanding it is rented out for meetings, etc. Too bad.

Daniel Boone, son-in-law to George, introduced me to the "Autobiography of a Yogi" which taught me about reincarnation, karma, meditation, and the path to self-realization. Yogananda became a household name and still is.

My years of association with Giant Rock and George set my feet on a path not only to research UFOlogy but the paranormal, the metaphysical, psychic healing and other subjects all of which were relegated to "New Age Stuff".

We left Giant Rock, moved to Los Angeles, worked, had two sons, became involved with chiropractic but never lost touch with Giant Rock. Mark, my first son, was born in Palm Springs in August of 1962 and when he was 1 year old we moved to Phoenix. From there we moved to Seattle (my hubby wasn't one for staying in one place very long) We moved back to Los Angeles and Steven my second son, was born in Englewood in 1964. In 1966 we moved back to the Landers area and were once again in close contact with George. The draw back to that area of the desert was and still is very strong.

Once again we worked with George at the restaurant and enjoyed the peace of the desert. But it wasn't in the cards for us to stay there. Daniel Boone decided to move his family to Mt. Shasta and asked us to go with him. Which is exactly what we did. More next time on the Mt. Shasta adventure.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Me and Squeaky

Squeaky is one of my many cats. She is white, brown, black and orange and weights around 15 lbs. Squeaky has had more than her share of visits to the vet and the last time she was there he put her on Phenobarb. I told him she had never had a seizure or anything similar. His reply was that after the many tests they had conducted on her there was no indication of a physical problem with her. He said some cats are self-destructive, for lack of a better description, and phenobarb was sometimes prescribed for such behavior. So...I gave her the phenobarb for a few days but my feelings about prescribed drugs finally wouldn't let me open the bottle one more time. I discontinued dosing her and, instead, started spending time with her whenever I could. She is a talker but whenever I could get a word in, I would tell her how much I loved her and how really wonderful she is. Now, several weeks later, her face and body are healing from all the scratching, her hair is starting to grow long again and she looks much better. Of course, she still talks constantly when I hold her but it is in a softer voice. Just goes to show that animals, like people, need to hear love and be assured they are loved and needed.

This will not be an ongoing saga about Squeaky...but the message I got from the incident was loud and clear and I wanted to share it. The television now gets turned off except for a few special programs and news casts, the land phone is turned off and the answering machine picks up messages which are checked daily, the cell phone is turned off for together and meditation time. I am no longer bombarded by the electrical current created by these items. I have found there is time for sharing my energies with human and beast, researching current events and being able to look at what is transpiring in this present day world of ours instead of listening to all the media hype which may or may not be truth.

Let me hear how you are coping with situations and events around you. If you want to talk metaphysics, healing...whatever...lets talk.