Saturday, March 21, 2009

Me, UFOs and the ‘60s

I first met George Van Tassel in 1961 at Giant Rock Airport near Landers, California. (To you UFO buffs, George Van Tassel is somewhat of a legend in the UFO field. His yearly UFO conventions at Giant Rock drew thousands of people during the 50s and 60s with major UFO figures speaking to the throngs attending.)

This meeting was my introduction to the world of unidentified flying objects. George graciously spent hours talking with me and my husband and ultimately invited us to move our small travel trailer onto the property to help him with the restaurant.

George was in the process of building the "Integratron" which, when completed, was for the purpose of healing. George did tell me that he felt time travel would be one of the benefits of the completed project. Unfortunately, George passed over before it was completed so we will never know its true purpose. The Integraton was purchased and it is my understanding it is rented out for meetings, etc. Too bad.

Daniel Boone, son-in-law to George, introduced me to the "Autobiography of a Yogi" which taught me about reincarnation, karma, meditation, and the path to self-realization. Yogananda became a household name and still is.

My years of association with Giant Rock and George set my feet on a path not only to research UFOlogy but the paranormal, the metaphysical, psychic healing and other subjects all of which were relegated to "New Age Stuff".

We left Giant Rock, moved to Los Angeles, worked, had two sons, became involved with chiropractic but never lost touch with Giant Rock. Mark, my first son, was born in Palm Springs in August of 1962 and when he was 1 year old we moved to Phoenix. From there we moved to Seattle (my hubby wasn't one for staying in one place very long) We moved back to Los Angeles and Steven my second son, was born in Englewood in 1964. In 1966 we moved back to the Landers area and were once again in close contact with George. The draw back to that area of the desert was and still is very strong.

Once again we worked with George at the restaurant and enjoyed the peace of the desert. But it wasn't in the cards for us to stay there. Daniel Boone decided to move his family to Mt. Shasta and asked us to go with him. Which is exactly what we did. More next time on the Mt. Shasta adventure.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Me and Squeaky

Squeaky is one of my many cats. She is white, brown, black and orange and weights around 15 lbs. Squeaky has had more than her share of visits to the vet and the last time she was there he put her on Phenobarb. I told him she had never had a seizure or anything similar. His reply was that after the many tests they had conducted on her there was no indication of a physical problem with her. He said some cats are self-destructive, for lack of a better description, and phenobarb was sometimes prescribed for such behavior. So...I gave her the phenobarb for a few days but my feelings about prescribed drugs finally wouldn't let me open the bottle one more time. I discontinued dosing her and, instead, started spending time with her whenever I could. She is a talker but whenever I could get a word in, I would tell her how much I loved her and how really wonderful she is. Now, several weeks later, her face and body are healing from all the scratching, her hair is starting to grow long again and she looks much better. Of course, she still talks constantly when I hold her but it is in a softer voice. Just goes to show that animals, like people, need to hear love and be assured they are loved and needed.

This will not be an ongoing saga about Squeaky...but the message I got from the incident was loud and clear and I wanted to share it. The television now gets turned off except for a few special programs and news casts, the land phone is turned off and the answering machine picks up messages which are checked daily, the cell phone is turned off for together and meditation time. I am no longer bombarded by the electrical current created by these items. I have found there is time for sharing my energies with human and beast, researching current events and being able to look at what is transpiring in this present day world of ours instead of listening to all the media hype which may or may not be truth.

Let me hear how you are coping with situations and events around you. If you want to talk metaphysics, healing...whatever...lets talk.